Tuesday, September 25, 2007


(last time on NathanWatch: read the one over this one) Sudenly Nicholas burst in and said:"Turn down your music momy said so. Nathan turned down his music and i mean this was a deadly blow to Nathan. Now we interview Nathan for more information:"well i mean like come on guys you cant tell mre that that was too loud like come on there is a certain loudnes of which music has to be. Like the song "Live out loud" is much more inspireing when its booming out of the speacker than when its being whispered. Like if this was a little bit for a huge amount of bad stuff than it would stinkeven more than that time that me and my cousin wen swiming and figured out that we were swiming in toxic waste." Thank you Nathan. Now our time is up so: So long and dont swim in oxic waste!
P.S. there is no reale page four


Anonymous said...

No way this happened! I was trying to sit on my couch and read my book and I couldn't focus on the words on the page because YOUR MUSIC was BLARING. The neighbors could hear it! I was YELLING your name over and over and you couldn't hear me over the LOUD MUSIC. That's when I sent Nicholas in as my ambassador of doom. And the music was turned down a notch - way above whispering level. I've been mis-represented in your blog!
Mom, the music squelching evil dictator!

Anonymous said...

Please cease and desist all defaming of your mother in such a public forum as your blog. May there be peace once again in the Pitcher household.

Dad, who wasn't there to hear how loud the music was...

beccafredo said...

let's just say my whole room was rattling and throbbing, well, that might have been because my music was also loud, but I'm sure most of it was yours!

Anonymous said...

Haha. Pekny komentar. Uplne si dovedu predstavit Nichoalse jak pribehl a kricel na tebe at to ztlumis (:
