Wednesday, April 22, 2009


N.P. here
Tomorrow in gym class I'm going to run the kilometer, I've been training a lot, but when im sick, i don't go to gym, so i get out of shape. Last week i was sick, then we ran the kilometer. I got a really bad time if 5:06. We will be doing it for grade's probably tomorrow. But who knows with czech school's. I want to get a good time because i'm not all that good with like fighting people, if i needed to. So i thin that if I can run really well, i should be able to out run them.


Anonymous said...

When you get to America, you should take boxing lessons so that you could beat up anyone wanting to fight you. Then if they start getting the upper hand run like a wild man! Hopefully, you won't run into many people who want to beat you up! Grandmother

Anonymous said...

What about bullies?

Run Fast!


beccafredo said...

hahahahaha! this made me laugh really hard..and your mom's comment too! =)