Saturday, January 3, 2009

Nathan on the Camera

This is nathan's mom - again! I've been working on finishing a blanket I've knitted for a wedding gift. I've been taking pictures of the finishing process to put on my blog. I just downloaded the photos and amongst my knitting photos I see this one of nathan's face. close-up. smiling. why? how did this get on my camera? in the middle of my knitting?

So I decided to post it and see if you had any ideas what Nathan was doing in this photo. Post your best ideas...what is nathan doing/thinking/feeling in this photo? And why was it with my knitting?

nathan's mom out


Anonymous said...

N.P. here
I was in that photo because our camera was out of battery and we didnt know if it was just that or if the camera was broken. So my dad took one of me.
N.P out

Anonymous said...

"As nice as mom's blanket is, and as amazing of a job she has done knitting it, I still think I'm far more warm and cozy to cuddle with than any blanket that can ever be knit. Why should I not be included in a slideshow of warm and cuddly things?"

beccafredo said...

Ha! Nice one Gavin! This photo could also be expressing Nathan's burning desire to be a knitter! He's just starting with the easy part, taking photos! Maybe someday he'll move up to actually knitting before taking the photos! Sigh! =)

Anonymous said...

I can't exactly remember taking the photo, but that smile is one of the funniest smiles of yours i've ever seen.
I like your blog, by the way.

Anonymous said...

How did Nathan get in the knitting? I am sure that he was hoping some young, beautiful girl would be looking at knitting stuff and become enchanted by his handsome face and beautiful smile. I do not know if any young girls were enchanted but I know and old 70 year old grandmother was. You are so handsome.
