Thursday, December 11, 2008

What Wii games are for

N.P. here
I am a genius. OK so not technically, but its fun to say it. At a new cafe that opened up near our house, there's a picture on the wall. It's a picture of New York city. And i being a genius recognized it, not because i have been there ( which i haven't ) but because i have played the Wii game Spider man 3. In it you swing past one of the buildings in the center of the picture. And so technically video games are good for you. So next time someone want's you to buy them a video game, buy it it could help!
N.P. out


Anonymous said...

You're right - the Wii is so educational. You should play every spare minute. Maybe you should stay home from school and play all day!!


Anonymous said...

N.P. here
I agree with my mom
Maybe they should have a school holiday every other weak just for playing Wii!
N.P out

Blakesta said...

I second motion!
Wii games make your brain big and buff.

p.s it wouldnt kill ya to chek your email nathan

Anonymous said...

Educational! Are you sure about that? I think it would be far more educational to take you to New York City for a visit, so that you could walk those streets, go to a Broadway play, eat pizza, etc. You noticed I didn't mention any boring museums (sorry Nathan's mom who loves museums)
