Monday, May 11, 2009

The end of JV

N.P. here
The last day at JV was a sad one, ill skip the part's that's in "the movie". at one point in time Alice pulled me aside and told me something that i think should stay between us. Later I'm fine, not crying until i got hugged, each time someone hugged me they "squeezed out my tear's" One by one people left, and hugged me and made me cry, all the way at the end there were only a few of us left that they could be counted on 2 hands. They all are going to go to attend the intern training at the time when we will be there, so it wasn't so bad. I went home and was sad. The next day i had to go to school. It was terrible! I was tired most of the hours, then last hour we were out side playing soccer, when people were treating me like i was a complete idiot. It's now 6:12 and the day is getting better. But my parent's didn't let me go outside and shoot "people" in a rain storm! Let's hope it keep's getting better.


Anonymous said...

Your 2 entries about JV made me cry! Both mommy and I were wondering this morning (Tuesday) if it was a good idea for you guys to go to school yesterday... Sorry it was such a hard day.

I love you, Nathan, and am so proud to be your dad. You're one of my most favorite people in the world.



beccafredo said...

You should DEFINITELY write an Alexander-ish book...your life is cooperating so nicely! =)
And, it's taking me a while to recover from conference too.

chel said...

I'm really sad for you, as I read these posts. It is hard to say goodbye to friends. But at the same time I'm really excited for you to be moving here to NY. It will be different, but I hope it will also be a good experience, as your years in Europe have been. Life is full of hellos and goodbyes, and we keep the precious ones in our hearts forever.
Rachel in NY

Anonymous said...

As sad as I am for your having to leave friends, I am selfish in wanting you in New York. We can see each other every day, and you will make more friends that I will get to meet and enjoy. You have had years without grandparents as part of your normal life - that will be behind you. Granddaddy and I love you so much and are so excited to get to be near you. Grandmother