Wednesday, July 1, 2009


N.P. here
I would just like to write, that i was just talking to Becca on the phone and she told me that she can not comment on my post's because i write in a seal passion and because I'm writing about stuff she's also going through (she gets sad). Even though to me my post's seem simple to me, to you they touch you, its just another thing that show's that everyone is different. Becca I had fun talking to you.


Anonymous said...

Okay now this little Seal tribute makes me feel sad. Are you going to write about me now?!


Claire said...

Awww... we miss your seal-ness too Nathan!

beccafredo said...

Wow! I got my own post! Now the seal in me HAS to comment! I love reading your blog, Nathan, and I do love the way your seal passion expresses what you're feeling so well. I've been feeling a lot of the same things you are, so it does always make me emotional...and I miss you! I'm glad we get to talk on the phone too!