Saturday, April 11, 2009


N.P. here
There is a poll at the very bottom of my blog. PLEASE VOTE! This is not a VOTE NATHAN FOR PRESIDENT kind of thing, it wont change your life, but do it. PLEASE! You cant change too much in your life, but you can change this. Vote, i beg of you. ( think i need a new way to get people to vote? I just got a good idea!) If you're answer has the most votes you can comment! ( if you did not win, you still can comment)

P.S. If you have any ideas for a new poll, tell me! =)


Anonymous said...

I voted! I want a badge to wear around. It will help stimulate interest in this vote. I'll proudly wear a "vote for my son, Nathan" badge if you'll make one.

Your Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey, I won the vote. I said more than 5 and there are currently 6 votes cast. What do I win??


Anonymous said...

Hi Nathan, I voted at the bottom, but I did not understand the results. Hopefully, I will win something anyway. I will name my prize right now - I want 20 hugs from my red-headed grandson when he gets to America. YEAH, I WON!!! I will await my prize.